Asked Questions (FAQ)
Thank you for your interest Slippery Rock Apartments (SRA). We have put this page together for YOU, the parents of SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY students.

Who is Slippery Rock Apartments?
- We have successfully owned and operated apartments in Slippery Rock since 1985. Currently, we have over 220 apartments, ranging in size from efficiencies to 3-bedroom townhouses.
- Through the years, we have built a reputation for community involvement and for providing quality housing. We belong to, and participate in, several professional apartment organizations
- We have a good rapport with students; we are fair, but firm. It is our full-time, professional, courteous staff, and our dedication to service, that makes us the ONLY place to call "home."
- Although we know that no one can guarantee complete and total safety, what security measures have you taken to limit possible dangers?
- We have hired a part-time, professional security staff, which patrols all of our properties. They have been sworn in at the Butler County Courthouse with "police powers," which gives them the right to write citations and make arrests on our property.
- We have fire extinguishers and smoke detectors in every apartment; well-lit parking areas, permit parking and 24-hr. emergency maintenance.
- We also recommend that every tenant carry renter's insurance. This is an inexpensive way to protect your personal belongings in case of accidents or other mishaps.
- Tenants should report any unsafe conditions or problems to the office, immediately!
- What is the Guarantee Sheet, and why do I (parent/guardian) have to sign it?
- SRA requires parents or guardians to sign a Guarantee Sheet for every tenant. The Guarantee Sheet is comparable to co-signing for a loan. The parent or guardian ensures that all moneys due to SRA will be paid. As with any loan, if all obligations of the lease are met, and damages don't exceed the security deposit, the guarantor never has to be involved.
- Young people are just learning to budget their money and sometimes mistakes are made, also apartments get damaged. It is our experience that when the parents or guardians are involved, these issues are more likely to get resolved.
- Am I financially responsible for other tenants?
- The lease reads: "All
the above listed tenants are referred to as TENANT in the lease, and if TENANT
is more than one person, the provisions in this lease shall bind and apply
to all and any of them JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY!"
Simply put, the answer is YES! ALL tenants and ALL guarantors are responsible for ALL the rent! - It is very important that your son or daughter choose their roommate(s) carefully. If this situation is uncomfortable, we suggest a written agreement among tenants, listing their obligations. Then, in the event one person doesn't pay their share, the others can take legal action.
- We also suggest that the parents/guardians get acquainted with each other.
- What if my son/daughter drops out of school before the lease is ended?
- We know that from time to time situations change, and for various reasons students leave. In these situations, the tenant is still responsible through the term of the lease. We will try to assist them... subleasing is an option (with approval of the other tenants) and there is no charge, just some paperwork. We also provide a roommate placement service - people looking for an apartment or a roommate.
- The bottom line is YES, you are responsible.
- SRA is a service-oriented organization, willing to go the extra mile for our customers. We welcome their questions, concerns, and suggestions. Listed below are some of the services we offer:
Professionally Managed | 24-hr. Emergency Service | Full-time Staff |
Prompt Maintenance Service | Security Staff | Study Room |
Choice of Payment Plans | Free, Permit Parking | Organized Social Events |
Coin-operated Laundry | Vending Machines | Video Game Room |
Fax Service | Postage Stamps Available | Free Batteries for Smoke Detectors |
Thank you for your interest in our apartments. We hope this information has helped you.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please call us.
We are always happy to be of service.
Slippery Rock Apartments
278 Cameron Drive
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Phone (724) 794-8704 / Fax (724) 794-4179
Email us
278 Cameron Drive
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Phone (724) 794-8704 / Fax (724) 794-4179
Email us